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Elderberry Honey
The powerhouse combination! Our Wildflower Honey is infused with locally-brewed elderberry. In addition to enjoying the medicinal benefits of our honey, elderberries are often recommended for boosting your immunity! A member of the honeysuckle family, Elderberries have a delicious intense spicy-grape flavor. Elderberries grow in dense thickets. Their off-white flowers yield a bluish-black pea-sized fruit when ripe in late summer. When ripe, Elderberries are known to be high in Vitamin A.
BENEFITS OF NATURAL RAW HONEY: Research has shown honey has benefits of Anti-inflammatory properties, antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, improves digestion, immune system support, indigestion, and arthritis.
BENEFITS OF NATURAL RAW HONEY: Research has shown honey has benefits of Anti-inflammatory properties, antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, improves digestion, immune system support, indigestion, and arthritis.
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